Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The 2022 Bucket List

In three weeks I am traveling to Paris, France, for the first time. To say I am a little nervous about this trip after several months of planning it's an understatement. I am a little worried that the new COVID variant Omicron could force the French authorities to apply more travel restrictions, and prevent me from visiting the country. 

For years I've been dreaming of riding a motorcycle in Europe. If all goes well and the weather cooperates, I plan to rent a motorcycle for a couple of days during my stay. I already received my International Drivers Permit. I contacted AAA (American Automobile Association) , visited their local office here in Philly and got the International Drivers License the same day. 

In addition of carrying my Nikon DSLR and a couple of lenses, I am planning to bring my GoPro camera with the handheld gimbal stabilizer and use it to vlog about the trip. Ordered extra memory cards, extra batteries for my Nikon and GoPro cameras and also a couple of European travel plug adapters. All the camera gear is ready to go. 

Don't laugh, but it's been so long since I used my GoPro cameras, that while testing recording a video the other day, nothing worked. Nothing was video recorded. For twenty minutes I was freaking out, panicked, trying to figure out why nothing was recording. Until I noticed that the GoPro camera lens cover was on, that's when I realized that I need to use my GoPro more often. 

I am looking forward to this my second trip to Europe. I just hope that this time the weather is nice during my stay, the motorcycle rental is dependent on the weather conditions. 

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Gobierno De Las Tres B : Baile, Botella y Baraja

Miguel de la Torre fue un militar y político español que lucho en las guerras de independencia de Venezuela y Colombia como parte de la expedicion encargada de sofocar la rebelion. Dicen que el capitan general y gobernador Miguel de la Torre y Pando, que goberno Puerto Rico entre 1823 y 1837, establecio el llamado gobierno de las Tres Bes: baile, botella y baraja, pues segun el, un pueblo entretenido no piensa en rebeliones. El decia: "pueblo que se divierte no conspira".  

El pueblo puertorriqueño tiene una memoria corta, todos los dias celebran el baile, la botella y la baraja. 

Nuestros politicos son bien consistentes cuando se trata de corrupcion. Todos los años se repite la misma historia, lo unico que cambia son los nombres de los arrestados por corrupcion. 

En el verano del 2019 el pueblo se alzo en protesta, y el gobernador Rosello renuncia y abandona la isla. Menos de dos años despues, regresa y es premiado como cabildero en el Congreso de Washington DC para abogar por la estadidad de Puerto Rico. El pueblo lo recibe como un heroe. 

Hace unas semanas, el alcalde de Cataño Felix "el Cano" Delgado renuncio a  la alcaldia y se declaro culpable despues de ser acusado por corrupcion. Hace dos dias fue arrestado por el FBI el alcalde de Guaynabo Angel Perez acusado de recibir sobornos en efectivo. 

Mientras los politicos se roban el dinero de las arcas de nuestro gobierno, las masacres, los asesinatos y feminicidios arropan nuestra isla. El pueblo no esta seguro ni dentro de su propio hogar. 

En Puerto Rico muchos negocios han tenido que cerrar sus puertas por falta de personal. En Puerto Rico, 57.7% de la poblacion apta para trabajar no lo hace. Segun cifras de el Departamento del Trabajo, hay mas de 4,000 empleos disponibles en el sector agricola, pero ante el desinteres del pueblo, el gobierno opta por traer extranjeros para trabajar en las fincas. 

A quien le importa los problemas que agobia nuestra isla, si anoche hubo baile, botella y baraja para mas de 30,000 personas sin mascarilla en el concierto de Bad Bunny en el Estadio Hiram Bithorn. 

Monday, November 29, 2021

Composite Photography

As a fairly newbie at creating composite images, I am amazed as to why I didn't tried this method before. For the first time, I am having a lot of fun digging deep into my portfolio to find some of my old dull images, replacing the boring sky background and adding a more dramatic sky. Combining some of my old images with a new background, its giving these images a new lease of life, so to speak. 

According to the internet, composite photography is the use or combination of two or more different images to create a new one. Composite imagery is photography, computer-generated images, and/or stock photos that are blended together to create hyper-realistic or fantastical results. 

It all started with my recent trip to Biloxi, Mississippi and New Orleans, Louisiana at the end of October.

Realizing that I am my own worst critic, I was very disappointed with the final version of the New Orleans picture. I'll spare you the details, but I went through a lot of trouble to get that picture of New Orleans skyline from Algiers Point Historic District. After all the hassle, to come home with a boring and dull image and knowing that there is a high probability I would never visit New Orleans again, I finally decided to try to combine two images to create the one I was looking for. I was so impressed with the final result, that I am now doing the same with a few pictures taken years ago. 

The first image was taken from Algiers Point Historic District in New Orleans at the end of October. I wasn't happy with the sky, so I just added the dramatic clouds background. This picture has become very popular on my Flickr account. The second picture, of the Philadelphia skyline, was taken three years ago from the South Street Bridge. I simply added the lightning background for dramatic effect.  The Boston Harbor image was also taken three years ago, but I found the original sky to be too boring. And finally, the One World Trade Center was taken from Jersey City in 2018. As the other images, I thought they were great pictures, with a cloudless sky.

I am very happy with the final results, especially when some of us don't have the time or finances to return to a location several times expecting to capture the perfect photograph under excellent weather conditions. In my opinion, the sky replacement looks great and it gives the photographs a whole new meaning.  


Friday, November 19, 2021

2021 Biloxi, Mississippi Trip

At the end of last month I was invited to hang out with a group of friends in Biloxi, Mississippi to celebrate Halloween. Hoping to visit New Orleans to take a few night skyline pictures, I agreed. 

I'll spare you the horrible flight I experienced, and will say that had a great time in Biloxi and New Orleans. It is hard to describe in a few words, what a great place Biloxi is. They don't call Biloxi the playground of the South for nothing. 

Enjoy the pictures of New Orleans night skyline taken from Algiers Point Historic District and my Halloween costume. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Two Wheel Tuesdays

One of life's mysteries, in my opinion, is the lack of spectators support to motorcycle racing.

Before COVID, I rode to Atco Raceway in New Jersey, and attended an event sponsored by Harley Drag Racing Association. It was an amazing motorcycle racing event, nitro Harleys going down the 1/4 mile track in 6 seconds. The grandstand for racing fans were almost empty. 

In my opinion, motorcycle racing in the United States is at an all time low. The sport is in desperate need of an infusion of new blood, a new generation of racing fans to get involved. Most times there are more people competing than those attending the event. 

Due to low spectators turnout, sponsors are withdrawing their financial support. On the other hand, in Europe the racing community is experiencing a different outcome. Racing is experiencing a boom in the racing world, the grandstands are always full of spectators, lots of companies investing and promoting their products. 

For those of us who love the sport, some changes are needed, soon. 

Monday, November 15, 2021

Cada Pueblo Tiene El Gobierno Que Se Merece

Hoy sale en primera plana la noticia del astronomico salario de los altos ejecutivos de LUMA Energy, donde indican que seis de los funcionarios de LUMA Energy cobran $3.5 millones en sueldos combinados.

Quien recuerda cuantos millones se robo la Secretaria de Educacion Julia Keleher? Keleher fue acusada por 32 cargos relacionados a un esquema de fraude electrónico, conspiración para cometer fraude electrónico, lavado de dinero y conspiración para el lavado de dinero por poco más de 15 millones de dólares.

Como si esto fuera poco, otra noticia en el mismo periodico local en Puerto Rico reporta un estudio que ilustra que seis de cada 10 menores viven en condiciones de pobreza y como se ha agudizado la desercion escolar en Puerto Rico. 

Lamentablemente, por mas que hablemos de el problema de la desercion escolar y como vamos a erradicar este problema para combatir la criminalidad en Puerto Rico, este estudio no investiga si estos menores vienen de padres que no terminaron sus estudios. 

Como se pretende combatir la criminalidad en nuestra querida isla con tanta desercion escolar? Un estudio de la Universidad de Puerto Rico llego a la conclusion que 33,3704 estudiantes abandonaron sus clases en a escuelas publicas entre 2015 al 2021. Una cantidad suficiente de estudiantes para llenar 95 escuelas. La juventud que no va a la escuela, no sabe leer ni escribir, y jamas tendran las herramientas para un mejor futuro. 

Nunca podre entender como el pueblo no acaba de abrir los ojos y darse cuenta que el partido PNP Y PPD son la misma basura. La culpa que estos corruptos continuen sirviendose con la cuchara grande la tiene el pueblo. Eso es lo que el pueblo se merece por seguir votando por los mismos partidos corruptos. 

La proxima vez que usted se mire en un espejo, recuerde que dandole el voto a los mismos corruptos de su partido, usted es parte del problema. Cada pueblo tiene el gobierno que se merece. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Knee-Deep Seawater

Not sure how I ended up watching a video from Foreign Minister Simon Kofe of the small island of Tuvalu in the Pacific this morning , where he video record himself giving a press conference in knee-deep seawater. Rising sea levels are threatening , the island is sinking he said. According to the news report, the video went viral immediately.

As disturbing as the image was, it was disheartening to read people blaming CNN, Democrats, Biden, and calling the video propaganda. Tuvalu is not even in the United States, but that didn't stop the trolls from insulting the Foreign Minister, blaming the libs, and making fun of this tiny nation plight. One person had the gall to ask if this video was filmed at Obama's beach house. Another was preaching the Gospel, asking people to repent, "the end is near", he said.

It appears that climate-deniers, evolution-deniers, Covid-deniers, and elections-deniers are the majority and the most outspoken in our society nowadays. We are doomed.

Top image courtesy of the Associated Press.


Friday, October 22, 2021

Ambulance Chasers Circling The Wagons

Now, not even 48 hours after Alec Baldwin shot and killed a woman on a movie set, we hear that there were prior safety issues on the set.

Rumors of previous misfires on the prop gun, the hiring of non-union members to cut corners and save money, camera crew walking off the set in protest of working conditions before the accident happened, etc. 

I have to ask, with so much advancement in visual effects and computer generated images, why use prop guns? The last thing anyone expect is to be killed by a gun on a film set. 

Original vintage motorcycle oil painting by artist David Uhl.


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Two Wheel Tuesdays

Not sure if you noticed, how often I keep going back talking about my trip to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park area, the Deals Gap Motorcycle Resort.

The trip was by far the best vacation I have ever been in two wheels. What an experience. While places like the Sturgis Rally, Daytona Bike Week, and Laconia Motorcycle Week are at the top of some of my motorcycle buddies list, the Tail of the Dragon at Deals Gap is my favorite and easily one of the best destination drives for any motorcycle or car enthusiast. It is also one of the most scenic and dangerous drives. I am glad I made the trip and spent a week there, when I did.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Racismo En Puerto Rico En El Siglo 21 - Y Tu Abuela Donde Esta?

En nuestra querida isla es comun escuchar la frase "en Puerto Rico no existe el racismo". Sin embargo, si ponemos atencion a la radio, la television, a los periodicos o entablamos una conversacion con alguien, no tardara mucho en salir a relucir como el racismo esta arraigado en nuestro diario vivir. 

Leer los comentarios en los periodicos locales sobre la nueva Miss Universe Puerto Rico, Michelle Colón Ramírez, denota la envidia, el odio y el racismo que todavia en el 2021 existe en nuestra isla. A pesar que somos descendientes de tres razas, nuestro pueblo niega sus raices negras e insultan y discriminan a puertorriqueno/as de piel negra. 

Eso explica el porque a pesar que somos una mezcla de indigenas Tainos, europeos y africanos, el 80% de las personas que participan en el censo en Puerto Rico se identifican como personas de raza blanca. Asi es la vida en nuestro acomplejado pueblo de Macondo. 

Ya lo dice el poema de Fortunato Vizcarrondo, "eres blanquito enchapao, que entra en sociedad, temiendo que se conozca, la mamá de tu mamá." Y tu abuela donde esta? 

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Melinda Romero Donnelly: Hija Talentosa Sin Diploma

El promedio salarial en Puerto Rico es $25,332 anuales, y la cabildera por la estadidad Melinda Romero Donnelly alega que su salario de $120,000 anuales no es suficiente para ella vivir. 

En una entrevista este pasado verano, Romero Donnelly dijo que ella no es una cabildera porque ella no cambia sus ideales por dinero. A la misma vez, ella abogó porque se apruebe un salario de $150 mil anuales para los cabideros electos.

Desde el 1995, Melinda Romero ha demostrado que ella es una Hija Talentosa. En otras palabras, en Puerto Rico se puede tener sueldazos y puestazos sin tener estudios universitarios. Ella es una persona con solamente un diploma de escuela superior y devengaba en su puesto anterior, sin ningun tipo de experiencia como ayudante especial del comisionado del Negociado de la Policia, un salario de $5,000 mensuales. Ahora como cabildera por la estadidad su sueldo es de $10,000 mensuales.

El nepotismo es una plaga sin freno en la politica de Puerto Rico. Ya lo dijo el gran procer puertorriqueño y padre del movimiento independentista de Puerto Rico, Don Ramon Emeterio Betances, ¿Y que les pasa a los puertorriqueños que no se rebelan?

La culpa es de nosotros, el pueblo puertorriqueño, por continuar dandoles el voto al Partido Popular Democratico y al Partido Nuevo Progresista. Un pueblo que elige politicos incompetentes y corruptos, no es victima, es complice de la incompetencia y la corrupcion.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Natalicio de El Maestro Don Pedro Albizu Campos

 Un dia como hoy, 12 de septiembre, nacio el Maestro Don Pedro Albizu Campos. Don Pedro fue presidente del Partido Nacionalista y la figura mas relevante en la lucha por la independencia de Puerto Rico. Hoy celebramos el natalicio de El Maestro. 

"Los jovenes tienen el deber de defender su Patria con las armas del conocimiento." - Pedro Albizu Campos. 

Coño, Despierta Boricua!!!

Saturday, July 10, 2021

The Mercenaries

I have been trying to find more updated information about the murder of Haiti's president Jovenel Moise last Wednesday morning. As you probably already know, it is being reported that a group of Colombian mercenaries, and two Haitian/Americans killed Haiti's president.

Most reports from news outlets here in the United States just repeat and regurgitate what is already common knowledge. After a day of trying to find new updates and getting frustrated by the same reports, this morning I searched Colombia newspapers, and found a mother load of information that is not reported in the United States. 

For example, on the Colombian newspaper El Espectador, I found a report that alleges that the so called mercenaries found the president already dead when they arrived to his house, and that they are the ones who drove the president's wounded wife to the hospital. I don't remember reading that report anywhere here in the United States. The now accused mercenaries claim that the president own security detail killed him. They also allege they were contracted by the Haitian government.

Some of these reports gets murky because as recent as three years ago, foreign security contractors were being used by Haiti's government for protection without knowledge of the country police chief. The same year, the police chief arrested five Americans (including a former Navy SEAL) and a couple of foreign nationals who claimed to be on a "government mission".  Facing charges in Haiti, the foreign security contractors group was taken out of the country with the help of the American Embassy and the State Department. 

In my opinion, whoever killed the president had assistance from powerful people in Haiti. Once it is established who paid these mercenaries to do the job, we will have the answer as to why the president was killed.

[ The top photoshopped image comes courtesy of the 2019 movie The Mercenary. ]


Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Complete Miscarriage of Justice

How is it possible that a person convicted of assaulting women while they were incapacitated is today a free man?

And people still wonder why women don't come forward when they are assaulted. In my opinion, this decision is going to send the wrong message to other victims, and will prevent them from coming forward. 

Bill Cosby, a convicted rapist, is free today because the justice system is broken, created to benefit men of privilege. Gretchen Carlson is right when she said and I quote, "being released from prison on a technicality is a complete miscarriage of justice."

As an advocate against domestic violence and women that have been sexually assaulted, I am absolutely disgusted.


Sunday, June 6, 2021

Colonizados Idiotizados

En estos dias lei un reportaje, decia que el pasado gobierno de Ricardo Rosello y Wanda Vazquez tuvo contratos millonarios con empresas que ejercieron cabildeo en Washington DC, algunas de las cuales todavia mantienen acuerdos con la administracion de Pedro Pierluisi.

La isla en quiebra, y estos corruptos elegidos por el pueblo, continuan botando el dinero que no tienen por el fanatismo de ser estado.  

Tras el pueblo despedir fulminantemente al ex-gobernador Rosello, quien renunció al su cargo hace casi dos años por mensajes homofobicos y misoginos, ahora lo premian como cabildero por la estadidad en Washington DC, a pesar que mintio en su candidatura en cuanto a su residencia, ya que no vive en Puerto Rico. 

Pierluisi y Rosello son tal para cual, ofreciendo villas y castillas. Recuerdo cuando Ricardo Rosello dijo en el chat aquellas famosas palabras: "cojemos de pendejos hasta los nuestros". A larga quién decide es el Congreso, no esos dizque cabilderos. Los cabilderos que van a Washington a abogar por la estadidad, no tienen voz ni voto. 

La realidad es que en Estados Unidos, los senadores Americanos se oponen a la capital de Estados Unidos, Washington DC ser el estado 51. Solo alguien que viva en la isla de la fantasia va a pensar que el Congreso Americano va aprobar a Puerto Rico a ser parte de la Union. 

En Guerra Avisada No Muere Gente

Para los que no me conocen bien, quiero dejar claro que desde que tengo uso de razon siempre he anhelado la independencia para Puerto Rico.  En Puerto Rico, ser independentista o nacionalista es considerado un crimen, una ofensa para nuestra isla.

Empezando hoy, voy a expresar mas a menudo en este blog la razon por las cuales estoy en contra del Partido Popular Democratico, del Partido Nuevo Progresista y la anexion de Puerto Rico a los Estados Unidos. 

Nuestro pueblo puertorriqueño, el cual incluye muchos masoquistas sumisos y la retrajila de vagos en nuestra isla, ellos tambien seran mencionados. El que no quiera ser salpicado por el chubasco que se busque una sombrilla. Y aquel que no este de acuerdo, no esta obligado a leer mis escritos. Nada ni nadie me hara cambiar de opinion. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The Stop The Steal Disinformation Campaign Crumbles

Remember when some of you shared Sidney Powell's wild claims that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump as part of an international plot?

So now that Sidney Powell is facing a $1.3 billion dollar lawsuit, after accusing Dominion and Smartmatic voting technology of rigging the election, she is now backtracking her statements.

I remember when she claimed to have explosive bombshells and promised to release The Kraken.

[ Sidney Powell argued yesterday that she couldn’t be sued for defamation for repeatedly promoting false conspiracy theories about the 2020 election being rigged because “no reasonable person would” believe that her comments “were truly statements of fact.”  - Buzzfeednews. ]

Let me translate what she said: Sidney Powell wants the lawsuits tossed on the grounds that nobody with half a brain could have taken what she was saying as fact. What she said was too stupid to be believable. 

Methinks Sidney Powell just called Republicans and Trump supporters stupid. She should be indicted, tried, and disbarred. 

[ Sidney Powell's defense: "Everything I said about Dominion was bullshit. If you believed anything I said, you're an idiot." - Joe Walsh ]


Saturday, March 20, 2021

Still Searching For Intelligent Life

I don't understand our obsession with the planet Mars. Everywhere I look, there is an article about the latest mission of a multibillion dollar Perseverance Rover vehicle off-roading on Mars.

Perseverance Rover landed on Mars back on February 18, 2021. Scientists are going gaga with the images this spacecraft is sending back.

Funny, we have the money and technology to send a vehicle into outer space, but not enough money to fix the potholes on our local streets, feed the hungry and house the homeless.

There is no excuse for children to go hungry in this country. Yet it happens, every day, in every community.

[ Original cartoon by Phil Hands of the Wisconsin State Journal. ]

Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Orange Turd Impeachment Lawyers Resign

If all the reports are correct, it appears that The Orange  Turd legal team quit, a week before the impeachment trial.

Some reports indicate two defense attorneys left, other reports claim the entire legal team [ five impeachment lawyers ] resigned.

Is not like his sycophants in Congress will do anything to convict him this time around; I personally believe he should have been convicted by the Senate the first time. One of the reports state that they resigned "in part because of disagreements over how to mount Trump’s defense". Methinks maybe they realized they wouldn't get paid. 

These past five years, The Orange Turd said some outrageous things. One thing is certain, he was right when he said : [ I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters. ]

Oh well, maybe my Cousin Vinny, a loudmouth inexperienced lawyer with no trial experience should volunteer to represent Trump.


Saturday, January 30, 2021

What Do Single People Call Valentine's Day?

City indoor dining will resume February 14 in Philadelphia, officials announced today, after rolling back Covid-19 restrictions.

The city is lifting restrictions earlier for museums. It's about time. 

Once again it is time for Valentine's Day on February 14, are you ready? How do you celebrate Valentine's Day with the one you love?

What do single people call Valentine's Day? Happy Independence Day!!!

Any hilarious weird dating story you would like to share?


Monday, January 25, 2021

Justice Is Not Blind

In the United States of America, there are two different systems of justice. One for privileged white people, and another for everyone else.

I read an article in the Washington Post that alleges that "there is an internal debate between FBI and prosecutors over whom to charge in the Capitol riots. Some people believe that it may be best not to charge most of those who stormed the Capitol. Officials worry that too many cases could swamp the DC federal courts, while others acknowledge many of those in the Capitol did not commit violence."

If that's the case, methinks the majority of these rioters will not face any criminal charges. In other words, if a person was simply trespassing or going along with the crowd, they will not be charged. Would that not be considered condoning political violence and unlawful behavior?

The excuse of overwhelming the courts is an easy problem to fix. Delegate the cases to other states, or better yet, send these seditionists to Guantanamo.

On a related note, the woman who allegedly helped steal Nancy Pelosi's laptop, and committed the federal crime of plotting to overthrow the US government was just released from jail. Meanwhile, in Michigan, a 15 year old black girl was held in a juvenile detention center for 78 months for not doing her homework.


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Where The Sun Don't Shine

Have you noticed how dogs sniff each other rear ends? Even though it seems kind of gross and disgusting, I always wondered why they did that.

A quick Google search found this : "a butt sniff for dogs is like a handshake for humans. Dog's amazing sense of smell is 10,000 to 100,000 times better than humans. They also have a special part of their noses called the Jacobson's organ that lets them ignore the smell of poop when they sniff another dog's rear."

I found that last part kind of fascinating.

On a related note, scientists in China found a fossilized "cloaca" of a Psittacosaurus. A cloaca or "butthole" is the opening where the dinosaur used to pee, poop and reproduce, allowing paleontologists to study it for the first time. According to scientists, these creatures mated by cloacal "butt" kissing.

To be honest, I am surprised these fossilized cloacas weren't found in Washington DC, with the serious blatant ass-kissing that happens in our nation's capital.

[ The top image comes courtesy of the animated film "We're Back - A Dinosaur's Story". ]


Monday, January 11, 2021

The Chickens Have Come Home To Roost

Armed protests are being planned across all 50 state capitols next week, according to the FBI. They also received information that these domestic terrorists are going to storm federal buildings if the orange stain is removed from office.

Make no mistake, this is the end result of this administration four years of Nazi-like propaganda; in cahoots with their army of enablers: the Proud Boys, QAnon, FauxNews, InfoWars, Breitbart, etc. The orange stain biggest supporters still believe him when he lies.

At the same time, the orange stain and his GOP enablers have refused to disavow white supremacy and militia groups. Like Leonard Pitts Jr very succinctly explained, "white conservatives gave violent white radicals a pass. Now they're about to destroy the country".

The chickens have come home to roost.

[ Cartoon by David Horsey from the Seattle Times. ]


Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Trump Failed Coup

I am sure most people today are witnessing what looks like some revolution in some banana republic. What a spectacle. All this to defend a reality tv show host. Absolutely sickening.

The chaos started soon after Trump spoke to the crowd on the National Mall. At the end of a rambling speech, the president urged his supporters to march on the Capitol building.

If this was Black Lives Matter storming the Capitol, the tear gas would already be flying, shots would've already been fired. if this was BLM police would be beating up everybody.

The lack of police response is troubling, how did the police not prepare for people storming the Capitol Building? Where’s the tear gas and rubber bullets they so readily used months ago? The Capitol police knew full well those terrorists were coming for trouble with their guns, knives and sticks. Law Enforcement has failed in ways never seen given the time they had for advanced planning.

Where’s Tom Cotton and “send in the military” now? He wanted to argue that what happened in the summer deserved military intervention, what about armed Trump supporters storming the Capitol Building to overturn an election?

They had enough police coverage against Black Lives Matter. What a difference a skin color makes.

The National Guard needs to be called and clear the Capitol of these traitors. If this is not sedition, what is? Todays GOP = The lawLESS and DISorder Party.
