Saturday, March 20, 2021

Still Searching For Intelligent Life

I don't understand our obsession with the planet Mars. Everywhere I look, there is an article about the latest mission of a multibillion dollar Perseverance Rover vehicle off-roading on Mars.

Perseverance Rover landed on Mars back on February 18, 2021. Scientists are going gaga with the images this spacecraft is sending back.

Funny, we have the money and technology to send a vehicle into outer space, but not enough money to fix the potholes on our local streets, feed the hungry and house the homeless.

There is no excuse for children to go hungry in this country. Yet it happens, every day, in every community.

[ Original cartoon by Phil Hands of the Wisconsin State Journal. ]


  1. Las prioridades de los gobiernos de EEUU y Puerto Rico están claras. No son la gente. Y los que no quieren llevar máscaras no conocen a alguien entubado en un hospital como yo. Por suerte, yo no tuve esos síntomas. No bajes la guardia. Salud y suerte.

    1. Para mi es una cosa increible la ignorancia de las personas no querer protegerse y proteger a sus seres queridos. Esta pandemia jamas terminara con tanto irresponsable por ahi poniendo a riesgo al projimo.
