In my opinion, Kamala Harris won the debate, and it wasn't particularly close. How much of a difference will it make, I don't know. Remember, Hillary Clinton was seen as having won the 2016 debates and obviously Trump won the election.
She took Trump to the cleaners. Kamala Harris baited Trump the entire debate, and Trump took every bit of it. Unhinged Trump went off the rails spouting lies, and same talking points. He looked the misogynist who knows nothing about women's issues-abortion and child care for instance. She took him out totally. Tonight, Kamala debated with Archie Bunker.
She looked very strong on the economy, on foreign policy and presidential as a world leader who worked with Ukraine's and NATO's leaders. In the closing statements: Kamala was upbeat and positive. Trump was negative and always attacking. Since Trump got fact-checked on the spot by the moderators, the MAGAs are saying that the moderators were unfair to the convicted felon. Bless their hearts, they always play the victim.