Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Kamala Harris Won The Debate - And It Wasn't Particularly Close

In my opinion, Kamala Harris won the debate, and it wasn't particularly close. How much of a difference will it make, I don't know. Remember, Hillary Clinton was seen as having won the 2016 debates and obviously Trump won the election.

She took Trump to the cleaners. Kamala Harris baited Trump the entire debate, and Trump took every bit of it. Unhinged Trump went off the rails spouting lies, and same talking points. He looked the misogynist who knows nothing about women's issues-abortion and child care for instance. She took him out totally. Tonight, Kamala debated with Archie Bunker.

She looked very strong on the economy, on foreign policy and presidential as a world leader who worked with Ukraine's and NATO's leaders. In the closing statements: Kamala was upbeat and positive. Trump was negative and always attacking. Since Trump got fact-checked on the spot by the moderators, the MAGAs are saying that the moderators were unfair to the convicted felon. Bless their hearts, they always play the victim.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Two Wheel Tuesdays - Washington Crossing State Park

One of the most historic locations in our area is the Washington Crossing State Park. George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River on December 25, 1776 allowed his army to strike the Hessian mercenaries at Trenton, NJ. It secured the Continental Army's first major military victory of the war during the American Revolution. 

The Washington Crossing Park is one of my favorite places to visit, because for many years it hosted a motorcycle vintage event called Gathering of the Nortons. It was held in April at Washington's Crossing State Park, just north of Trenton NJ on the PA side of the river. 

Once a year thousands of vintage motorcycle enthusiasts gathered to celebrate all things motorcycle. All bikes were welcome, but especially the Brits - Nortons, Triumphs, Tritons, Royal Enfields, BSAs, Vincents, etc. Good food, good people and if you're interested in old iron, it was an amazing event. Only rule was that you had to ride it in, no trailering.

It is a beautiful park, lots of open space to spend a pleasant day in nature to relieve stress; where people bring their families to relax and forget about life's problems. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

You're Under Arrest. You Don't Look Like An American

Two days ago, Donald Trump promised his military roundup of millions of immigrants will be a "bloody story". The crowd cheered. If you don't see Hitler and Nazis in the MAGA movement, you aren't paying attention.

In the Twitterverse, this is what people are saying: How are we ok with this? How are we sleepwalking into a presidency where Trump is promising to be a dictator, terminate the constitution, put the military on the streets, round up his political opponents, and violently deport undocumented immigrants?

The promise of blood being spilled is of course a feature, not a bug, of Trump's promised immigration policy. Impending bloodshed is the oil that keeps the Trump train rolling. The brutality is the point. Trump fantasizes about unleashing violence against groups and people he dislikes.

Go back and study history. This is exactly what you would expect a fascist movement to look like in the United States. Donald Trump and the House Republicans shot down that huge bipartisan border bill, because he didn't want to lose one of his campaign issues. He had nothing else to run on.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Don't Trust The Election Forecasts, Political Experts or Pollsters

I just watched former Fox News host Bill O'Reilly say that Donald Trump needs to win the upcoming debate. It he doesn't, Kamala Harris will win the election. 

I disagree with Bill O'Reilly's opinion, for the same reason I don't believe in poll numbers. In my opinion, American so called political experts have short memories. 

Don't forget that in 2016 Donald Trump lost all debates against Hillary Clinton, yet he won the election. In the weeks leading up to the November 2016 election, polls across the country predicted an easy sweep for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. 

Unfortunately, we all know the experts got it all wrong. Don't trust the election forecasters, political experts or pollsters. Register to vote, your vote is your voice.

Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places

I finished reading a report in Yahoo News about a female reporter from The Telegraph doing a story about looking for love in Spain in a Spanish supermarket.

The story transported me back in time 35 years ago, to something that happened a year after my divorce, when I ventured into responding to a Brooklyn personal newspaper ad. Back then you met people the old fashioned way, or placed/responded to newspaper personal ads.

To put it in perspective, in 1989 I was 33 years old and one of the first contacts I had from the newspaper personal add was with a woman in her early 30's. It was weird because it felt like a one-sided conversation where I was being interrogated by this woman. She kept asking too many questions, one after the other. I vividly remember her asking me how many children I had, after I shared that I've been married twice.

After I replied that I didn't have children, her tone of voice changed and sounded accusatory. She kept accusing me of lying. The third time she asked, I could sense she was serious; she did not believe that a twice divorced man didn't have children. She abruptly hung up on me. That was my first and last attempt into newspaper personal ads. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

A Labor Day BBQ Story

My neighbor and I rescued a gas grill from curbside in a neighborhood near ours. We replaced a few parts and that thing made for a pretty good gasser.

We took to joining our two families together for Sunday night chicken. We'd each cook side dishes and we'd do BBQ chicken on the gas grill we recovered. We did this for about nine months without paying attention to the grease build up.

We were in the middle of a cook and the entire gas grill caught on fire. We had nine feet flames, we had sideways flames, flames were going in every direction. I thought my house was going to catch on fire; I thought the rubber hose on the propane was going to catch on fire; I thought the propane tank was going to explode.

I'm still not sure how we got that grease fire out to this day. Needless to say, we didn't get chicken that Sunday night. 😄

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Bad Dream Summary

Last evening after dinner, I dozed off for a short time while listening to the Orange Turd at his rally in Johnstown, Pennsylvania.

I usually get weird dreams when I nap. During this brief nap, I noticed I was on a debate stage face to face with the Orange Turd. Oddly, when it was my turn to talk, I could still hear Trump talking but I was unable to respond to what the moderator was asking me. My mouth was moving but no sound was coming out. For some strange reason I completely lost my voice. It didn't matter what I did, nothing happened.

It was so frustrating that I forced myself to wake up from the bad dream. After waking up from the nap, the Orange Turd rally was still going on in full steam. He was still regurgitating the all time favorite insults that his followers like so much.

I must be a masochist, by punishing myself listening to the Orange Turd verborrhea on a regular basis.