Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Mis Fotos Favoritas En El 2022

Estamos a punto de terminar el 2022. De todas las fotos que he tomado este año, estas son algunas de mis favoritas. 

Ellas incluyen fotos de mi viaje a Paris en enero de este año, y visitas a algunos museos en Francia como el famoso Museo Louvre, la Torre Eiffel, la Torre Montparnasse, el Rio Sena, la Plaza de Trocadero, etc. 

No puedo dejar de incluir fotos de mi primera salida en un Kayak en el Rio Lehigh en Bethlehem, Pensilvania. Pase una buena experiencia en el Kayak, y espero que en mis futuros planes pueda continuar disfrutando este nuevo pasatiempo. 

Tambien este año tuve la oportunidad de participar en mi primera cabalgata en caballo en Rincon, PR

Este año fue la primera vez que trate de practicar Snorkeling en la isla de Puerto Rico, usando el Telesin Dome Port para tomar fotos debajo del agua con la camara GoPro Hero

New Orleans, Louisiana

Philly Skyline

South Philly Pool Hall

Coney Island Boardwalk

The Pagoda, Reading Pennsylvania

Delaware River Fireworks

Health Center Black Tie Gala

Rockefeller Center, New York City

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Grifters Gonna Grift - America Needs A Superhero

The Orange Turd major announcement that "America Needs A Superhero" is the dumbest thing ever. Trump's new grift, Trump digital trading cards. What a steal! 

Just when you thought this grifter couldn’t humiliate himself any more than he already has. A fifty cent pack of these useless cards selling for $99 dollars. Guess he isn't making enough money off donations. Looks like the Trump 2024 campaign isn’t quite meeting its fundraising goals yet.

So many unintelligent people will line up to give this grifter money. Oh well, if you are that dumb, you deserve it. Buy one card and you will join a very exclusive community of the dumbest most gullible Americans ever to walk planet earth.

The next batch of Trump digital trading cards will have him wearing a prison orange suit. What a sad pathetic loser!

Sunday, December 4, 2022

New York City Rockefeller Center

This morning I am heading to Rockefeller Center in Manhattan to try to take a couple of pictures of the skating rink and the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree.

I also plan to visit St. Patrick’s Cathedral located across the street from the Rockefeller Center. It is a Christmas tradition for me to visit Rockefeller Center during the holiday season. 

Both pictures were taken last year. Enjoy!

Pool Sharks

When I attended college in 1975, I spent too much time at the student hall playing pool and ping pong, than attending classes.

I wasn’t the best pool player, but we used to try to hustle the freshman students for beer, weed or money. Friday was my favorite day of the week, we had disco parties every Friday night at the student hall. Can you imagine, in 1975 entrance fee to the disco party was a measly $1.00 dollar.

My second year in college was when Barry White released the album “Let The Music Play”. This song still brings lots of good memories.