Sunday, May 12, 2019

Behind The Scenes Photography

It's getting warmer in Philadelphia, but we're getting drenched every weekend. So there is no motivation to ride my motorcycle, at least not yet.

Last night I visited the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Afterwards, I decided to walk a few blocks and try to shoot one of the locations I always have a hard time photographing, the Philadelphia Boathouse Row. Even if my life depended on it, I can't get a decent photograph of this place.

It didn't help that the cloudy overcast makes the sky look dull and gray. But hey, I've got nothing to lose so I might as well take a couple of pictures. Who knows, I might just get lucky.

It seemed as if it was going to rain again, so I hurried setting up my camera underneath the Fairmount Water Works gazebo used for wedding ceremonies.

I was so put off by the lousy weather, that only took 5 or 6 pictures of Boathouse Row, including a couple of behind the scene images. The timing couldn't be more perfect. By the time I packed my camera gear, it started to drizzle and the SEPTA bus arrived.

Another photo shoot, another lousy Boathouse Row picture.


  1. I like it,great photo. Is it worth it to remove / blend out the hydro towers?

    1. Thanks, I think I need more practice with photoshop to remove/edit things from my images.

  2. Photography is one of those things I wish I had an eye for. If I could see and take pics like that I would feel on top of my game. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Scott, I think I am my own worst critic.

  3. I’d be happy with that shot. Nice.

  4. NIce image mate. Photography is not easy.
