Saturday, March 16, 2019

Tales From The Garage

Spring is just around the corner. Went to the garage where my bike is stored, to change oil, filter, check brake and clutch fluid levels and install the battery. During winter season my bike's battery sits in my apartment kitchen connected to a battery tender.

My bike has been hibernating, sitting in the garage since last October. Haven't even started the bike all winter, I haven't checked it in several months. It's still cold outside, here in Philly the cold weather is still lingering. I hate cold weather with a passion. We are in mid-March and now there's talk of more snow sometime next week.

I received a rent increase notice from the garage landlord yesterday. Personally, I feel the rent increase is unreasonable since he hasn't made any property improvements to the unit in seven years. Besides, he shutoff power to all the garage units in 2013 after half of the storage facility caught fire. I was fortunate that the section where my bike is stored was not affected. He is lucky there is no other motorcycle storage facility in the city, totally monopolizes the storage units market in Philadelphia. 

Depending on the weather, tomorrow I will be changing the rear brakes. Ordered the rear pads last year before the Dragon trip just in case I needed them. I don't want to have any issues when I visit Toronto, Canada this summer. 

Planning ahead and proper maintenance to my bike before I leave on a trip is a must. I would rather be safe than sorry. 


  1. Spring fever does make it exciting with the thoughts of a road trip! I'm glad you're able to get out and start tinkering with your bike. I think that builds to the excitement!! Beautiful bike!

    It is sad that the owner is raising the rent to store your bike. He is aware of the lack of storage and can get away with this increase. Enjoy that shelter from the lingering cold.

    1. The garage landlord doesn't care because there is no competition, he is the only person who offers motorcycle storage in the entire city. I've been complaining about the lack of electricity in the garage since he disconnected the service in 2013.

      I am looking forward to travel more once the weather gets warmer. Thanks.

  2. Theres nothing like a bit of maintenance on the bike, then beers whilst just looking at it. Looking forward to your trip report, sounds interesting.

    1. I spent some time working on the bike this past weekend, she is ready to go. Can't wait to visit Canada this summer.

    2. You're going to Canada?! Good for you. I go up there almost every year. I visited Montreal last Summer and plan to ride to Toronto this year.

    3. I visited Toronto in 2003 and I love it. Hopefully this year I could stay longer and take more pictures. I would not mind living in Toronto, it gives me the same NYC vibe.

  3. Good luck bringing your bike back to life. I ride straight through Winter so don't have to worry about storing mine. Our weather here in NY is similar to yours in Philly; I was able to get out at least every two weeks this year.

    1. I used to live in Brooklyn and when I was younger I didn't mind riding in the winter. At my age, if is colder than 50 degrees my bike stays in the garage. lol
