Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places

I finished reading a report in Yahoo News about a female reporter from The Telegraph doing a story about looking for love in Spain in a Spanish supermarket.

The story transported me back in time 35 years ago, to something that happened a year after my divorce, when I ventured into responding to a Brooklyn personal newspaper ad. Back then you met people the old fashioned way, or placed/responded to newspaper personal ads.

To put it in perspective, in 1989 I was 33 years old and one of the first contacts I had from the newspaper personal add was with a woman in her early 30's. It was weird because it felt like a one-sided conversation where I was being interrogated by this woman. She kept asking too many questions, one after the other. I vividly remember her asking me how many children I had, after I shared that I've been married twice.

After I replied that I didn't have children, her tone of voice changed and sounded accusatory. She kept accusing me of lying. The third time she asked, I could sense she was serious; she did not believe that a twice divorced man didn't have children. She abruptly hung up on me. That was my first and last attempt into newspaper personal ads. 

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