Tuesday, August 13, 2024

You Two Make A Great Couple, You Look Good Together

Let's all go back to the year 1999. On a romantic Saturday night, I remember taking my girlfriend at the time along with a few friends to a Latin dance club called Stardust in New Jersey.

We checked our coats at the door upon entering the dance club, and headed to our reserved tables. We were both dressed to the nines. She was wearing a fabulous low cut, thigh high, skin tight dress, flaunting every curve she had. I on the other hand, was wearing my Capezio black and white 1950's style wingtip dance shoes, white stripes double-pleated dress pants, white shirt, and a black vest.

My girlfriend excused herself and went to the restroom with a couple of women from our group. “It is a mystery to me why women go to the restroom in pairs or in a group, I don’t think men do this group activity”, but I digress.

In the meantime, the music was blaring, people were dancing, laughing, and having a good time. I just sat at the table, listening to the music while she returned. To make a long story short, girlfriend finally arrived from the restroom, and I noticed she was upset.

"Is everything ok?", I asked. "Yeah, everything is ok, ... who is she?" she asked. I was confused because I had no idea what she was talking about. My girlfriend blurted out, "a woman in the restroom approached me and said, you two make a great couple, you look good together".

By the tone of her voice I could tell my girlfriend was very upset. I tried in vain to reassure her that I had no idea who she was referring to. To this day, I still don't know who that woman was.

An innocent compliment, given to my girlfriend by a complete stranger about us as a couple, ruined our romantic evening. We didn't stay at the club that night, and the relationship didn't last long either.

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