Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Free HealthCare

Last night I was listening to Ariana Ramsey, an American rugby player, winner of a bronze medal at the Olympics, how surprised she was of receiving free healthcare at the Olympic Village in France.

Since her competition ended earlier during the Olympics, she scheduled and received medical appointments for a pap smear, an eye exam, a new pair of glasses and a dental check up at the Olympic Village.

She chronicled her experience on Tik Tok, and explained her shock at finding out that all the athletes had access to free medical services while staying at the village.

"According to the Paris 2024 organizing committee, the Village also offers cardiology, mental health, dermatology, orthopedics, physiotherapy, psychology, podiatry and, of course, sports medicine—all at no cost to the athletes." - Sports Illustrated.

Ariana Ramsey's was so impressed with the services received that said, "this is going to be my new fight for action, free healthcare in America."

Good luck with that. In my opinion, socialized health care will never be implemented in the United States.

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