Monday, August 26, 2024

I Pray Religiously

It was long overdue, last night I began to backup and organize some of my files. After spending two hours looking for a bicycle garage photo from the Netherlands trip, I realized I had to do it.

Suprisingly, I didn't start backing up and organizing my digital photography images; I began with my cartoon comic strips. I started using the Bitstrip personalized comic strips in 2012. As someone who spent a big chunk of my childhood drawing and painting, and at the age of seven dreamed of working at Disney creating cartoons, I fell in love with the Bitstrip application.

Since the application is no longer available, I have been recycling different variations of the ones I created twelve years ago and saving them on USB flash drives and the cloud storage. I believe that these comic strips are unique, their captions speak so much louder than text, and they add personality to my blog posts. Don't you think?

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