Sunday, March 27, 2022

A Few Days With Family In New York City

On Monday, we spend the day hanging out in the Brooklyn Bridge and had lunch at Eataly NYC Downtown Restaurant, next to the 9/11 Memorial Museum. 

The following day we went to Central Park, went shopping in Times Square, and had lunch at famous Joe's Pizza. Even though Joe's Pizza claim to serve the best pizza in New York, and their restaurant is covered with pictures of famous people, personally I wasn't impressed. 

The family insisted on buying cookies at Levain Bakery on West 74th street. Another place that claims to sell New York City most famous cookies.  So after leaving Bethesda Terrace, the water fountain and Central Park lake, we walked two blocks to Levain Bakery. 

Levain Bakery reminded me of the famous Soup Nazi from the sitcom Seinfeld. Same store configuration, and design of the front counter. For a minute I thought the character from the Soup Nazi was going to make an appearance and say, "No Soup For You". Enjoy the pictures!