Have you ever heard of Lysistrata? Lysistrata is an ancient Greek comedy performed in classical Athens in 411 BC.
According to Wikipedia, "Lysistrata was about the women of Greece banding together to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands and lovers as a way of forcing men to negotiate peace during the Peloponnesian War".
[ A sex strike, sometimes called a sex boycott, is a form of resistance often used to meet political, social or economic goals. Women around the world are using sex strikes to create social change. Throughout history, women have abstained from sex as a form of non violent protest. ]
Here are random cases of [ Crossed Legs Sex Strikes ] found on the internet:
- The women of Liberia helped end a 14-year civil war that killed over 250,000 by staging a sex strike in 2002.
- In September 2006, wives and girlfriends of gang members from the Colombian city of Pereira launched [ La Huelga de las Piernas Cruzadas or Cross-Legged Sex Strike ], a 10-day movement intended to curb gang violence.
- On April 29, 2009, ten Kenyan women's associations invited women to abstain from sex in order to end disputes between the president and prime minister.
- In 2011, women in the Colombian town of Barbacoas, announced that they would refuse to have sex with their husbands and partners, to protest the terrible condition of the local road.
As we now know, in 2014, cooperation between the leaders of the White House, European Union and NATO failed to stop the annexation of Crimea.
A new [ Crossed Legs Sex Strike ] movement was on the rise in Ukraine, where women were trying to end Moscow’s aggression urging Ukrainian women to abstain from sex with Russian men. To raise funds, the movement was selling a T-shirt with the message [ Don't Give It to a Russian ], alongside a pair of hands making the shape of a vagina.
Who Has Ever Heard Of Such A Thing?