Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Grease Monkey

Last night, I posted a pic of the Orange Turd on FB and a photographer friend of mine from Texas who also rides motorcycles and supports the Orange Turd, commented on it. 

Without getting into an argument about Trump with him, after all we are friends and respect each other political differences, I responded to his question. The conversation then switched into two of my favorite subjects, motorcycles and photography.

I learned that he went from drag-racing motorcycles to now riding cruiser motorcycles traveling cross country and also photographing races at the racetrack. He posted a picture of his current Honda Goldwing, which is the type of bike I hope to be riding when I get older.

I was suddenly transported back in time to 1989, when I was the assistant service manager at a motorcycle Honda dealership in Canarsie, Brooklyn, NY. Back then I was given the task to install a sidecar to a brand new 1989 Honda Goldwing.

Our conversation reminded me that a picture was taken the day the customer arrived to the dealership to pick up his motorcycle, so I began digging for it. It took me at least one hour to find the picture hidden in an old flash drive.

This old picture of my days working as a grease monkey at the motorcycle dealership brought back lots of memories. The unfortunate part is that some of my old friends in the picture are no longer with us. It always amazes me the memories and emotions a picture can evoke on a person.

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