Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Let's Make America Pray Again

"Happy Holy Week! Let's America Pray Again. I encourage you to get a copy of the God Bless The USA Bible." - Donald J. Trump

Don Poorleone new grift is selling Bibles while pretending to be religious. Don Poorleone is really desperate, how embarrassing! The Orange Turd has no shame.

The man who only steps foot in a church for funerals is now selling Bibles. The man who couldn't list ANY Bible verse claims the Bible is his favorite book. This loser is the biggest embarrassment to this country! This is actually quite offensive; the man isn't religious at all and he's mocking it to make money. How does that Bible not burst into flames immediately?  He insulted the courts and judiciary, now he insults the church. Truly shocking.

Proceeds of this Bible will go into Don Poorleone pockets. Using a religious book to line his pockets is blasphemous! He's becoming more like one of those disgusting televangelist, asking for funds!

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