Saturday, March 23, 2024

When It Comes To Photography, Nothing Beats Today's Technology

My first real camera was a Yashica FX-3 Super 2000 film camera, purchased as a gift to myself in 1988 after my divorce. The other camera shown on this picture was my first digital Nikon DSLR purchased in 2015.

Earlier this week I declined to participate in a conversation about taking pictures using film, and developing my own images in a darkroom at home or sending the film to a processing lab. Hardcore photography purists can be rough, and for some is hard to compromise. It is their way, or no way.

The last time I used my film Yashica FX-3 camera in 2002, I visited Washington DC and spent a week sightseeing the city. When I returned home, I took a roll of film of 36 exposures to get it developed. It was a huge mistake because the processing lab ruined ALL my vacation pictures.

When it comes to photography, nothing beats today's ( digital camera or smartphone ) technology.


  1. Yeah film is dead and has been for 20 years. There's a small group of people who refuse to use modern technology that keep it alive

    1. I personally refuse to go back to film. Digital is here to stay.
