Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Two Wheel Tuesdays - Biggest Motorcycle Regret

My biggest regret was selling my 1972 Kawasaki 750 H2 triple. It's a long story, but that bike gave me many years of fun memories.

In 1979, I was working as a technician at the Honda motorcycle dealership in my hometown. That same year American Honda had introduced the Honda CBX six-cylinder engine. It was their flagship motorcycle. It was designed to give Honda bragging rights about the fastest production motorcycle in the late 70's.

In my infinite wisdom, I thought I could purchase the Honda CBX with the measly wages I was making at the dealership. I was so naive, that I gave my bike away for measly $650.00 dollars. Like I said, it was my biggest motorcycle regret in life.


  1. I'm sorry. I get it. We all have regrets over bad decisions or just opportunities we didn't see. The best we can do is hang onto memories of good times, like the rides you did get to enjoy. BTW, what a cool bike!

    1. Thanks, it was a cool bike! And you are right, at this point is best to remember the good times.
