Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Down Goes The King

One of the worst guys in politics, a very proud white supremacist Republican from Iowa has just lost his primary election.  The most racist congressman in the United States just got beat.

Down goes Steve King! One racist POS down, far too many to go!

Republican State Senator Randy Feenstra just beat him 52.5 to 36.5. The fact that he was a nine-term congressman defending white supremacists for that long is shameful, but better late then never I guess. Is this a Republican's rejection of white nationalism? Only time will tell.

Randy Feenstra, like King, is pro-Trump and pro-wall, and will head into the fall against populist Democrat J.D. Scholten. But we'll get to that bridge when we cross it.

It's great news to hear that Steve King has been officially dethroned. He can go back to leading klan rallies now! The turd finally got flushed down the toilet. Good riddance!

Today were the Primary Elections. I voted, did you?



  1. It took 9 terms but I guess voters finally saw hime for what he was.

    1. To be honest, I was surprised that he lost despite his racist record.
