Sunday, September 1, 2024

Bad Dream Summary

Last evening after dinner, I dozed off for a short time while listening to the Orange Turd at his rally in Johnstown, Pennsylvania.

I usually get weird dreams when I nap. During this brief nap, I noticed I was on a debate stage face to face with the Orange Turd. Oddly, when it was my turn to talk, I could still hear Trump talking but I was unable to respond to what the moderator was asking me. My mouth was moving but no sound was coming out. For some strange reason I completely lost my voice. It didn't matter what I did, nothing happened.

It was so frustrating that I forced myself to wake up from the bad dream. After waking up from the nap, the Orange Turd rally was still going on in full steam. He was still regurgitating the all time favorite insults that his followers like so much.

I must be a masochist, by punishing myself listening to the Orange Turd verborrhea on a regular basis.

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