Friday, November 3, 2023

Foto Friday - United States Capitol Building

This picture was taken during a trip to Washington DC on November 2020, two months before the inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th president of the United States.

I remember setting up my camera gear near the grassy triangle on the House side of the Capitol's East Front. This is the location where reporters and politicians hold their press conferences.

The phone rang and it was my sister who lives in Puerto Rico, and knew I was spending the weekend in DC. She was worried about me; afraid that crowds of MAGA supporters would protest, and that it would turn violent.

At that time there was a lot of hateful rhetoric and misinformation about the "Stop the Steal" movement from Trump. To put her at ease, I reassure her that some small pockets of MAGA supporters were marching outside the Capitol building, and chanting peacefully. So I was not concerned.

My visit to DC was two months before Trump and his minions encouraged his followers to march inside the Capitol building, and the riot and chaos that ensued. Every time I look at this selfie of myself photographing the Capitol building, brings back memories of when my sister called from 2,000 miles away, very concerned about my well being.

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