Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Anarchy In The United States

Anarchy: is a state of disorder or lawlessness due to absence or recognition of authority. Anarchy is a situation in which a government either does not exist or has no authority or control over the people. 

This past Saturday, a teenager was arrested after participating in a brutal attack on an off-duty NYPD officer. The teenager confessed of robbing, beating and carjacking people for an entire month in New York, with a group of friends. They've committed at least 19 random crimes this month. What we have here is a prime example of a male who has no fear of the law and no sense of moral behavior.

On Sunday, A Houston man evicted from an apartment building for not paying his rent started a fire to lure the neighbors out. Then he shot and killed three of them as they fled the flames. 

Yesterday, Lindsey Graham, a member of the Party of (GOP) Chaos, a United States Senator from South Carolina, threatens riots in the streets if Trump is prosecuted for "mishandling" classified information.

Lindsey Graham, a lawmaker who claims to be for law and order, is threatening the law enforcement of violence if they enforce the law. The fact that politicians would incite violence and be uncaring about the repercussions of their words and actions shows that they are unfit to be in office and should be held accountable.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Ex-Gobernadora de Puerto Rico Wanda Vazquez Acusada de Corrupcion

La ex-secretaria del Departamento de Justicia y ex-gobernadora de Puerto Rico fue arrestada la madrugada de hoy por el FBI, y acusada de corrupcion. Segun el pliego acusatorio, algunos de los co-acusados que colaboraron con ella ya se declararon culpables en la investigacion. 

No les da verguenza, todos los politicos estan cortados con la misma tijera. Puerto Rico es la isla del chanchullo, cada pueblo tiene el gobierno que se merece. 

Caricatura cortesia de PlanetaKike.com