Thursday, March 23, 2023

Angel Perez: Culpable De Corrupcion Por Decision Unanime

El jurado lo encontro culpable tras 4 horas de deliberacion. A cada lechon le llega su Navidad. Ahora a esperar el juicio de los alcaldes corruptos de Mayaguez y Ponce. Cada pueblo tiene el gobierno que se merece.

Friday, March 17, 2023

Puerto Rico: Donde Hasta Los Alcaldes Son Parte De La Mafia

Leyendo las declaraciones del ex-alcalde de Cataño, Félix “El Cano” Delgado, en el juicio que se lleva a cabo hoy en contra de el ex-alcalde de Guaynabo, Angel Perez, yo me quedo asombrado como a esta hora el pueblo de Puerto Rico todavia confia en estos corruptos mafiosos politicos. 

Un año arrestan una masa de corruptos, y cuatro años despues arrestan a los proximos politicos que suben al poder. La avaricia y el poder corrompe nuesta isla. Segun el testimonio del ex-alcalde de Cataño, Félix “El Cano” Delgado, hasta a la esposa de Angel Perez, la ex-jueza Liza Fernandez pusieron a guisar en el municipio como parte del esquema de corrupcion. 

No cabe duda que Puerto Rico es la isla del chanchullo. El que menos uno se imagina le esta robando el dinero al pueblo de Puerto Rico. 

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Juez en Puerto Rico Le Tira La Toalla a Ex-Alcalde de Yauco, Abel Nazario

El flamante ex-alcalde de Yauco, Abel Nazario, se declaro culpable por robo/soborno relacionados a programas de fondos federales en Puerto Rico. Fue sentenciado a cumplir 18 meses de carcel.

"Esta pena se unirá a otra de 18 meses que le resta por cumplir por otro caso de corrupción pública por el cual Nazario fue hallado culpable por un jurado. Se le imputó ofrecer declaraciones falsas sobre el uso de fondos federales del Departamento del Trabajo."

Como en Puerto Rico todo funciona en base a quien es tu padrino, el juez accedio a que el corrupto y ladron ex-alcalde de Yauco pueda estar en la libre comunidad en lo que termina un tratamiento medico en su boca, asi como unos estudios en la Universidad de Europa, con sede en España.

En Puerto Rico, los politicos corruptos tienen privilegios. Este es el mismo corrupto que no tenia dinero para pagar su defensa en el juicio, pero para trabajos medicos para arreglarse la boca e irse a estudiar en Europa aparece el dinero rapido. 

Estos politicos ladrones todos se tiran la toalla. Si fuera Chencho el Matapuerco o cualquier hijo del vecino, va preso sin fianza. Si soy yo el que salgo culpable por esos mismos cargos, voy preso el mismo dia. 

No dudo que despues que cumpla su sentencia, vuelve a postularse para un puesto politico en Puerto Rico, y el pueblo vuelve a darle el voto. 

Monday, March 13, 2023

Ex-Alcalde Angel Perez Ahora Pide Oracion, Mientras Robaba se Olvido de la Religion

Hoy, en el inicio de su juicio por soborno y corrupcion, el ex-alcalde Angel Perez pidio que "oren por todas las personas que van a estar participando en este proceso”. Ahora el ex-alcalde de Guaynabo Angel Perez es cristiano, invocando a Dios, pero mientras estaba robando en su posicion de alcalde y recibiendo dinero por debajo de la mesa no se recordo del cristianismo. 

Los políticos se acuerdan de la fe y la religión cuando están acusados por robarse el dinero del pueblo. Mientras estaba robando, su religion era el dinero. Mas culpable es el pueblo que vota por estos corruptos. Yo voy a orar porque salga culpable. 

El Puertorriqueño Que Aporte Dinero Para la Defensa de Wanda Vazquez Es Complice de la Corrupcion

Solo en la isla de Puerto Rico, una corrupta exgobernadora le ruega al pueblo que aporte dinero para su defensa, para enfrentar un caso de corrupcion durante su campaña primarista para la gobernacion por el partido PNP.

La verdad que hay que ser bien descarado. El puertorriqueño que coopere para la defensa de Wanda Vazquez esta defendiendo y es complice de la corrupcion. 

Sunday, March 5, 2023

A Walking Skeleton

The other day I was having a conversation with a friend about some pictures that were taken in 2012, when I attended several motorcycle and work related events.

I purchased my current motorcycle, a Kawasaki Ninja ZX14 in 2012. I told my friend that I don't like to look at pictures from that year because at that time I had lost so much weight, that I literally look like a walking skeleton. 

To  make a long story short, around 11 years ago, unintentionally I lost a lot of weigh due to some esophagus health issues I was having. The problem was so bad I had two endoscopies done in the same month. 

I looked terrible, especially around my face area, sunken cheeks and gaunt face. Apparently it was all related to my acid reflux problems, and once the gastroenterologist learned it wasn't anything more serious all I had to do was to get into treatment. 

The top picture is at the office in the health center. It was taken in 2013, when  I was six months into the treatment and had begun to gain my weight back. 

Saturday, March 4, 2023

CPAC Biggest Applause: Far-Right Obsession With Eradicating Trans and Gay People

Would you believe that this weekend CPAC most discussed topic so far is how to remove Trans and Gay people from society?

Listening to these people grievances about gays, it sounds to me like the beginning of an insurgent fascist campaign to erase trans people from public life altogether.

A prominent conservative said that the estimated 1.6 million Trans people in the United States should not have a right to exist. "Transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely,” he said. He received one of the night biggest applause. Far-right anti-Trans rhetoric and attacks sounds like straight out of a fascist handbook.

The irony of this whole thing is that Matt Schlapp, a married man, and Chairman of CPAC, one of the nation's most prominent conservative leaders, is currently being sued and accused of allegedly groping the crotch of a male staffer for Herschel Walker's campaign. What a bunch of hypocrites.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Don't Say Blogger In Florida

In 2014, Vladimir Putin signed a law forcing bloggers to register with Russian media office. Right now, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis wants to pass a bill that will require bloggers who write about the governor and other state government officials to register with the state, and disclose who's paying them and how much. 

What is it with Republican politicians obsession with having Russian repressive dictatorial laws implemented here in the United States?

It sounds like Ron DeSantis have a crusade against free speech and the press, just like Putin did in Russia. I may be wrong, but I believe it violates First Amendment rights. DeSantis sounds worse than the so called stable genius.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Platypod - Tales From The Garage

Went to the garage yesterday, it was warmer enough to work outside. I noticed my tools getting rusted, I am sure is due to the garage humidity. 

To save them from getting ruined, I am going to have to bring them inside my apartment, and only take out the tools necessary to do the job at hand. I started taking some of the tools home today. 

In the meantime, I took a couple of pictures of my Kawasaki Ninja ZX14 using a Platypod compact camera tripod. This little gadget has been sitting in my home for almost two years without being used. I knew I was going to the garage, so I decided to put the Platypod to good use. 

Enjoy the pictures, they were taken yesterday afternoon.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Maybe It Wasn't My Best Decision

This morning I've read the story of an adventurer, whose remains were found by two fishermen inside the stomach of a shark.

According to the report, the man had an accident in a four wheeler on a beach, and probably fell  unconscious when he was dragged out to sea by the high tide. They identified the guy because a rose tattoo on the arm of the body matched the missing man. 

What are the chances they find the very shark that ate him? So Sad. Eating breakfast and reading this article this morning was not my best decision.

The top image has been photoshopped from an internet shark image.

How Do You Preserve Your Photographic Memories?

What would happen to your pictures and gear after you are gone? Do you even care? 

This week I helped restore a picture of a friend's mother, him and two of his siblings sitting next to their now deceased mother. The pic was taken when he was about 2-years-old; my friend just retired last month.

To preserve my memories, I created an album online on Flickr of all my family black and white old pictures, and printed them to keep them for posterity. I also saved them on a flash drive.

Unfortunately, we live in a throw away society, and I'm afraid that's exactly what will happen to any of my images that aren't printed, and properly stored. Even then, it's a guessing game as to what will happen to my pictures.

The younger generation doesn't seem to care much about preserving these memories, so I doubt my family will do anything with them.