Thursday, January 26, 2023

Tyre Nichols: Five Memphis Police Officers Charged With Murder

I am not sure if you are familiar with the killing of Tyre Nichols by five Memphis Police officers earlier this month. To me this is deja vue, all over again. According to the news reports, the video of the police beating against Nichols will be released tomorrow. Brace yourself for another round of national protests against police brutality. 

I expect that the angry reaction of the general public after watching the beating on video, will be similar to George Floyd police killing, and there will be rioting and looting everywhere.

The only difference of this case from George Floyd is that the five officers were fired, charged with murder today, and for the first time I heard the police in Memphis talking about the need for police reform.  In my opinion, the failure of police reform is attributed to police corruption. I hope that I am wrong, and people will protest and react more peacefully.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

The DJI Mavic Mini Drone Just Arrived

This new toy should be a game changer when it comes to my photography. I can't wait to start learning how to use it.

I've been spending a great deal of time reading about FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) drone rules and regulations to avoid any legal issues. Not only I have to worry about learning how to fly this thing, now I also have to worry as to where I can fly the drone.

These pictures are some of my favorite skyline at night pictures I have taken in the Philadelphia area in the past several years.

Since I began this photography journey six years ago, my preference has always been photographing city skylines at night.

Now that I feel comfortable and confident enough with my photography abilities, I am going to focus on adding video aerial footage captured with my new DJI Mini Drone. I hope that the weather clears up soon, so I can start learning how to fly this thing. I can't wait! Let the drone adventure begin.

Monday, January 16, 2023

As Usual, Republicans Hypocrisy and Selective Outrage Knows No Bounds

Right Wing Fascist Republicans only care about documents being mishandled when Democrats do the mishandling. 

Last November, Kentucky Rep. James Comer, now head of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, appeared to care less about Trump’s stash of classified documents in an interview on CNN. He said an investigation into Trump's case “will not be a priority.”

Yesterday, Jake Tapper pointed out to him that Biden’s lawyers alerted officials when the documents were found and turned them over. Trump, on the other hand, stalled, did not fully comply with a subpoena seeking classified documents, and his “lawyers falsely told investigators they turned everything in".

And there are about 20 classified documents in the case of Biden. For Trump, there are more than 300 classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, a big difference here just on the facts. Right Wing Fascist Republicans are again using selective outrage, when President Biden’s documents seem like a big priority for them, while Trump’s are not?

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) said later on State of the Union that “it’s a bit disturbing to me that people who are saying there was no problem with what Donald Trump did, which was to defiantly reject any cooperation in turning over hundreds of classified documents, are now upset about President Biden’s voluntary and rapid turnover of a handful of documents they found,” Raskin said.

Friday, January 6, 2023

Llegaron Los Tres Reyes Magos

Hoy es el dia de la Epifania, el dia que segun la tradicion, los Tres Reyes Magos llegan a traerle regalos a el niño Jesus. En mi casa no se conocia Santa Claus, ni tampoco se celebraba el dia de Navidad.

En mi casa desde que eramos niños, hoy, 6 de enero, era el dia que nosotros recibiamos regalos de los Tres Reyes Magos. Recuerdo que el dia antes, saliamos a cortar la grama para los camellos, y la dejabamos debajo del arbol de Navidad junto a un vaso de agua o leche para ellos. Cuando nos levantabamos temprano un dia como hoy, el 6 de enero, nuestros regalos estaban debajo del arbolito de Navidad.

El año pasado, los Tres Reyes Magos me trajeron un pasaje para visitar la ciudad de Paris, en Francia. Este año me regalaron un DJI Mini Drone, y espero recibirlo a fin de este mes. El DJI Mini Drone, si todo sale bien, es una herramienta que debera mejorar la narrativa de mis grabaciones de video de mi canal de YouTube.

Yo espero que la curva de aprendizaje del drone no sea mucho tiempo, y que con bastante practica pueda poder volar el DJI Mini Drone rapido y sin muchos problemas. 

Feliz dia de los Tres Reyes Magos!

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

MAGA Humiliation: McCarthy Dumpster Fire Chaos Reveals Total Collapse of the Republican Party

For Republicans, this is one of their biggest humiliating, self-inflicted embarrassments in recent American history. For the first time in 100 years the majority party fails to garner the votes to elect a Speaker of the House.  This is worse than their failed red tsunami prediction, after 7 rounds of voting. Even Hannity and the GOP State TV FauxNews say that the House Republicans are a total clown show after McCarthy loses 7th straight Speaker vote.

It is actually hilarious to see. I'll say nominate serial liar Rep-Elect George Santos for Speaker of the House. He'll fit right in with the other corrupt Republican liars.

I've gone through 2 gallon-sized boxes of popcorn over the last 24 hours watching this McCarthy clown show. It really tells us something when even Fox is calling this group of Republicans a clown show.

The GOP played to and courted the crazies on the fringe and now the crazies are taking them down. You reap what you sow, the chicken has come home to roost.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Primera Entrada de Blog 2023

La semana pasada fui a los Novayores para tratar de grabar en video las decoraciones de Navidad en Manhattan, antes de que se fuera el 2022. El viaje fue un total exito. Pude finalmente grabar la introduccion del video, y capturar video de Times Square, Radio City Music Hall, y Rockefeller Center.

La mejor parte de este viaje a NY es que jugue la Lotto del Mega Millions, y me gane al acertar tres numeros en la misma linea, basicamente lo mismo que me costo el hotel en Manhattan. En otras palabras, el hotel me salio gratis. Si hubiera acertado cuatro numeros, la ganancia hubieran sido $10,000. Es la primera vez que gano algo en la Lotto.

Anoche pense en ir a tomar fotos de los fuegos artificiales en Camden, NJ. Desisti de ir porque estuvo lloviendo todo el dia, y habia mucha neblina. Es una lastima porque es la primera vez en mucho tiempo que el dia de la despedida de años la temperatura estaba a 50 grados Fahrenheit. 

Hoy, 1 de enero de 2023, fui a la parada de los Mummers en Filadelfia a tomar fotos por primera vez. No eran todavia las 9:00am y ya habia muchas personas vestidas con sus disfraces tipicos de los Mummers desfilando borrachos. Primera y ultima vez que participo en esta actividad.

Esto me recordo la noticia que lei la semana pasada de el Festival Cultural de las Mascaras en Hatillo, PR. Hasta tiroteo, una persona asesinada y cinco heridos de bala hubo. La cafreria y el bandolerismo existe en todos lados.