Thursday, July 28, 2022

Allegheny & Kensington - Philadelphia Badlands

The intersection of Kensington and Allegheny is arguably the city's largest heroin market and a hot spot for gun violence. It’s the worst neighborhood in the United States, as far as homelessness and drug abuse. 

Every year, especially during election time, Philadelphia city officials show up when they are looking for votes, and announce that they are taking drastic steps to address the open drug use and addiction on the streets of Kensington. They claim that they are going to clean up the neighborhood so that businesses can thrive, families can feel safe and kids can play without the fear of stepping on needles. 

This is a picture I took this morning at the Allegheny & Kensington SEPTA Market-Frankford line in Philadelphia; it shows how effective these politicians are in keeping their promises.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

John Bolton Admite Que Los Americanos Han Derrocado Otros Gobiernos Al Planear Golpes de Estado

Hace dos dias, en una entrevista con Jack Tapper, reportero de CNN, John Bolton (former National Security Adviser) casualmente confeso, y lo dijo con motivo de orgullo y arrogancia, que es comun para los Estados Unidos planear golpes de estado ( coups d’etat ) en contra de otros paises en el extranjero. 

Es interesante escuchar un ex-miembro del gobierno Americano hablar de forma casual y sin tapujos, como Estados Unidos interviene en la politica exterior de otras naciones. Usualmente los representantes de Estados Unidos se caen de fondillo negando cuando intervienen en la politica interna de otros paises y ayudan a derrocar esos gobiernos. 

El mejor libro sobre este tema fue escrito por Stephen Kinzer, llamado "Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq". En el libro, Stephen Kinzer ofrece una lista de paises y una detallada historia de como Estados Unidos ha derrocado a traves de golpes de estado, revoluciones e invasiones, paises alrededor del mundo en los ultimos 100 aƱos.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Tropical Island

A couple of months ago, I purchased a Telesin Dome Port to use on my GoPro action camera to try to capture 50/50 split or "one under and one above" the water underwater images in one photo. I don't want to jinx it, but this would be a first time for snorkeling, underwater photography, horse riding and night kayaking. 

If during this September trip, the love of my life or I can capture at least one amazing half-half picture, I'll be a happy camper. The planets will need to align big time for this to happen, but I am confident that it can be done. I can't wait for this trip date to arrive. It should be fun.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Killing Grounds In USA - An American Tradition

These days it is not safe to walk the streets in the United States. Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney said yesterday, "this is gun country", after two police officers were shot during a July Fourth Festival in Philadelphia last night.

An 18-year-old Payton Gendron killed 10 people buying groceries at a supermarket in Buffalo, NY. A 18-year-old Salvador Ramos shot and killed nineteen students and two teachers, wounded dozens others at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. A 29-year-old Omar Mateen killed 49 people and wounded 53 more in a mass shooting at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida. A 21-year old killed 22 people at a busy Walmart in El Paso, Texas. A 28-year-old Dylan Roof murdered nine worshippers at a church in South Carolina. At least six people were killed, dozens hurt by 22-year-old Robert Crimo during a Fourth of July Parade in Illinois yesterday.  

There have been more than 300 mass shootings, incidents where 4 or more people were shot or killed in the U.S. this year. As is always the case, there will be calls for change after a mass shooting, and more thoughts and prayers. In my opinion, anyone who believes that thoughts and prayers will stop a mass shooting rampage is an idiot.