Saturday, June 29, 2019
MaƱana Puedes Ser Tu - Basta Ya del Carpeteo y la Censura en Puerto Rico
Cuando en Puerto Rico se habla de persecucion politica, la gran mayoria de las personas piensan que el fichar ciudadanos o crear carpetas solo les ocurre a los que desean que Puerto Rico sea libre.
La realidad es que en Puerto Rico, el gobierno bajo la complicidad de Estados Unidos, ha creado millones de carpetas en contra de aquellos que simpatizan con la independencia de nuestra isla.
Los PNP's y los Populares, se jactan hablando de democracia y la libertad hacia la libre expresion, metiƩndole miedo al pueblo acerca de la independencia y el socialismo.
Monday, June 24, 2019
Asi No Se Puede Pedir La Estadidad
Hoy nuestro flamante gobernador le pidio la renuncia al Secretario de Hacienda, Raul Maldonado, luego que el ahora ex-secretario hiciera unas denuncias en un programa radial sobre una alegada mafia institucional en Hacienda.
El gobernador Ricardo Rosello alega que Maldonado nunca le informo sobre la investigacion por autoridades federales, ni sobre los intentos de soborno por subalternos de su propio partido. Ahora el hijo de Maldonado acusa a Ricardo Rosello de corrupto, y alega que tiene evidencia de ciertos chanchullos que cometio nuestro distinguido gobernador.
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Pain Pain Go Away
After months of not knowing the cause of the swelling and pain in my ankle, and blaming it on my Rheumatoid Arthritis, three weeks ago I was finally diagnosed with Achilles tendinitis.
I've been eagerly waiting for warmer weather to ride my motorcycle, now I have been told that I need to rest my ankle. For the looks of it, recovering from this ankle issue is going to take longer than I had planned. It is going to be a long summer.
I refuse to let the discomfort ruin my life. So despite the ankle pain, I've managed to ride to Maryland Massey Aerodrome Airport to take a couple of pictures of vintage planes (1944 Boing Stearman and a 1937 Douglas DC-3 Airliner) and my motorcycle. It didn't help that I got lost due to road closures and unmarked detours.
I've also spent a weekend in the nation's capital, Washington DC. Our nation’s capital constant traffic jam, road constructions and major highway closures during the weekend is what keeps me away from visiting more often.
And finally, last weekend took Greyhound to attend a photography meetup group in New York City. To be honest, I almost cancelled the trip. Photography meetups require a lot of walking, I wasn't sure I could handle the photowalk.
I am so glad I went. Once I got on board on the Governor's Island ferry and saw the jaw-dropping views of Lower Manhattan I realized I made the right decision. The fact that I lived in New York so many years and never went to Governors Island was also a factor. Wasn't easy though, I took my time getting around and moved at my own pace. It was a warm, sunny day, about 75-80 degrees, with a gentle breeze. Perfect summer weather.
At Governor's Island, I seized the opportunity to actually try for the first time the Platypod Ultra on top of a chain link fence, it passed the test with flying colors.
The top image was taken last year during my trip to Deals Gap - Tail of the Dragon.